The Best of WriteOn 2021 is an anthology of award-winning entries by primary school students from the annual WriteOn competition.

The diverse writing showcased in this publication exemplifies the power, value and craft of storytelling. Using the image shown on the front cover as inspiration, students from

Years 1–6 created a variety of imaginative responses through narratives, letters, diary entries and poems. A range of contemporary topics including drought, climate change and refugees are represented as are highly creative texts about dedicated stargazers and an alien invasion.

Despite the continuing pandemic in 2021, a recurring theme throughout much of the students’ writing is hope; a hope that inspires optimism and confidence in the future.

This anthology is truly a joyful celebration of young people’s creativity and self-expression.

Teachers can use this anthology to:

inspire and nurture students’ love of writing

demonstrate high-quality writing

encourage and develop imaginative writing skills

help students understand how context may be expressed in texts

assist students to explore ways of conveying experiences and ideas.

Families can use it to:

read and enjoy quality student writing

explore different ways imaginative texts can be composed.

For more information, please click HERE.