WWW Writing College is presenting the 3rd writing competition in week 6 of Term 4 which is now open to students of the following groups currently enrolled at our centre. This competition is an initiative and forms a crucial component of our writing program. The purpose is to assess students’ writing skills and techniques after they have participated in their individualised writing courses for some period.

Writing competition provides students with the opportunity to become published authors. Outstanding writings will be entitled to the Best of Writing 2018 (certificate) and other prizes.

This competition is open to four groups:

  • Group 1: Year 2-3 students
  • Group 2: Year 4-5 students
  • Group 3: Year 6-7 students
  • Group 4: Year 8-9 students


All writing is to be the students’ own work.

Writing is to be imaginative and may include:

  • Narratives
  • Letters
  • Poems
  • Scripts for radio, screen and stage
  • Interviews
  • Journal entries.

Assessment criteria

The following assessment criteria is used by teachers when assessing students’ writing:

  • Engaging the audience in a way that is creative, interpretive, critical and powerful
  • Maintaining a consistent structure appropriate for the type of text selected
  • Using a range of stylistic devices appropriate for the stage of the student and the intended audience
  • Using a variety of language, vocabulary and punctuation forms.